Dr. Richardson and Dr. Memsic are two of the top breast surgeons in Los Angeles, using innovative techniques to create excellent clinical and aesthetic outcomes.
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Bedford Breast Center
436 N Bedford Dr, Ste 308
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Phone: (310) 278-8590
Monday – Friday: 9 a.m.– 5 p.m.
Fat Grafting Breast Augmentation Revision
As people seek more natural ways to achieve their aesthetic goals, fat grafting and fat injections to augment the breasts are now widely performed in cosmetic and breast reconstruction surgery. Complications such as fat necrosis, oil cysts, and calcifications resulting in hard masses or lumps have increased with the popularity of these procedures. These conditions are more common in patients who have undergone multiple fat grafting procedures or due to poor surgical technique.
Bedford Breast Center offers fat grafting revision to remedy these conditions and achieve attractive results for our Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Glendale, and Malibu-area patients.
Types of Dead Fat in Breasts
Bubbles of dead fat, also known as fat necrosis, can form under or around the breast tissue, resulting in hard, painful lumps and masses, leading to skin discoloration, unevenness, and hard, painful breasts. Types of dead fat include:
- Cystic lumps—oily consistency
- Complex lumps—mixed oily and solid consistency
- Calcification lumps—hard, solid masses
Treating Hard Breast Lumps
Bedford Breast Center’s team of breast specialists use ultrasound guidance in our proprietary, minimally invasive lump removal technique, which can remove oil cysts and hard lumps of fat using a small needle or probe to dissolve the hardened fat.
Ultrasound guidance enables the removal of fat deposits and lumps from under the skin without disturbing the healthy breast tissue or causing damage to the surrounding area. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia and has a short recovery time.
Recovery Time
Healing time for small areas is 1 to 2 weeks; however, larger masses can take up to 4 weeks to fully heal. It is essential to allow the technique to work and to heal completely before determining if more than one session is needed. For larger masses or areas, multiple sessions spread out into stages may be required.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Fat Grafting Revision?
Anyone in good health who has undergone a previous fat grafting breast augmentation procedure and is dissatisfied with the results is a good candidate for this minimally invasive procedure.
Additional Fat Grafting Procedures
It is important to understand that more than one treatment may be needed to achieve the desired result. Additional treatments may be necessary for patients with larger areas of solid fat buildup, which can leave divots in areas of the breasts or cause hollowing when removed.
To address these issues, additional fat grafting may be needed. We work closely with an experienced team of fat grafting breast experts with exceptionally low rates of fat necrosis.
View Featured Before & After Photos
Our world-class facility serves patients from throughout Los Angeles, Southern California, and nationwide. To learn more about breast fat grafting revision, call us at (310) 278-8590 or contact us using the online form to schedule an appointment.