Will I Have a Breast Lump Removal Scar After MILR?

blog-image-Will I Have a Breast Lump Removal Scar After MILR?

Many women choose to have a benign breast lump removed with a procedure called minimally invasive lump removal (MILR). If you’re concerned about breast appearance, MILR is an ideal choice. But does MILR leave a breast lump removal scar? Below, we’re sharing the techniques our breast surgery experts use to treat breast lumps while reducing scarring and delivering your desired results.

Understanding Breast Fibroadenoma

A benign breast lump comprised of glandular and connective tissues is also commonly referred to as a fibroadenoma. Fibroadenomas are usually detected during an ultrasound or mammogram, and a breast biopsy may be necessary to confirm whether the lump is a fibroadenoma or another issue. Most simple fibroadenomas don’t require treatment. However, we may recommend removing benign breast lumps when these conditions are present:

  • The lump is already large (2 to 3 cm or larger)
  • The lump appears to be growing or changing quickly
  • The lump is causing pain or discomfort
  • The lump makes you self-conscious about your breast appearance

A complex fibroadenoma may warrant treatment because it may slightly increase your risk for breast cancer in the future. We recommend being diligent about conducting breast self-exams as well as visiting Bedford Breast Center for regular breast exams and screenings to monitor the presence of fibroadenomas, breast cancer, and other concerns.

Techniques To Minimize Breast Lump Removal Scarring

During your MILR procedure, our skilled, caring breast specialists utilize ultrasound imaging to quickly target and remove the mass. This minimally invasive approach enhances your comfort and safety while minimizing potential scarring. There’s less impact on the surrounding breast tissue, allowing almost zero downtime after the procedure.

While it offers many benefits, MILR is a more suitable technique for women with a benign fibroadenoma. If you have a mass or lump that could be cancerous, our providers will guide you through other treatment alternatives that may include a lumpectomy or mastectomy.

Scarring After Lump Removal vs. Biopsy

In cases where a breast lump requires further examination, we may perform a breast biopsy to analyze a tissue or fluid sample. While some bruising may occur, this technique usually does not result in visible scarring on the breast. The extent of scarring after a biopsy or lump removal typically depends on the incision and the extent of breast tissue removed. Our breast surgeons always favor minimally invasive techniques, when possible, and make the smallest incisions necessary to address your concerns and achieve your desired results.

Consult With Our Breast Experts

Thanks to the latest advancements in breast surgery, women have more choices than ever to address breast health with minimal impact on breast appearance. Whether you are an ideal candidate for our minimally invasive lump removal or one of our other breast procedures, it’s essential to have a good understanding of your various options, including what to expect after treatment.

For personalized advice and treatment options, we suggest scheduling a visit using the online form. You can also call our office at (310) 278-8590 to schedule an appointment.

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