Preventative Options: What Age To Have Prophylactic Mastectomy & More FAQs

Woman wearing leggings and sports bra on a run near the ocean (model)

For women with a strong family history of breast cancer, it’s reassuring to know that you have preventative options such as a prophylactic mastectomy. However, your willingness to undergo a surgical procedure of this magnitude requires careful consideration. To help guide your decision-making, we’re addressing common queries like what age to have a prophylactic mastectomy, does insurance cover the procedure, and more.

What’s the age recommendation for prophylactic mastectomy?

There’s no one-size-fits-all age recommendation, but the procedure is commonly performed on women in their 30s and 40s who are deemed to have a higher risk for breast cancer. For women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network suggests having the surgery between ages 35 to 40 or upon completion of childbearing. We work closely with each patient to determine your candidacy for prophylactic mastectomy based on your unique circumstances, risk level, and medical history.

Are there certain states that cover prophylactic mastectomy?

Because coverage varies by state, we recommend checking with your insurance provider to learn the specific details of your coverage plan. Your provider can confirm whether your surgery is considered “medically necessary.” The good news is that Blue Cross Blue Shield and other major insurance companies may cover preventative services like prophylactic mastectomy for eligible patients. If you have questions about paying for your procedure, you can visit our Payment Options page to explore financing options.  

What factors affect the prophylactic mastectomy cost?

The cost of the procedure varies widely depending on the surgical technique used (such as a nipple-sparing mastectomy versus a simple mastectomy) and whether reconstruction is included. Other cost variables include your surgeon’s experience level and hospital or surgical facility fees.

Can you have a prophylactic mastectomy with immediate reconstruction?

It’s not only common but typically beneficial for women to have a preventative mastectomy with reconstruction performed simultaneously. We use several reconstruction techniques, including SWIM breast reconstruction and our breast-conserving Goldilocks method, but our direct-to-implant reconstruction has become the preferred standard. Combining your procedures into a single surgery prioritizes your health and safety while eliminating the stress and risk associated with future surgery and recovery windows.

Is prophylactic mastectomy right for me?

We fully understand that choosing to undergo a prophylactic mastectomy is a highly personal decision, and our highly skilled breast surgeons are committed to helping you understand and assess your risk factors and preventative options. Whether you’re curious about preventative breast surgical options or you’ve already been diagnosed as high risk, we’ll help you navigate the complexities of prophylactic mastectomy surgery and support you throughout your wellness journey.

What’s Next?

Now that we’ve addressed some common prophylactic mastectomy questions and concerns, we encourage you to view our before-and-after photo gallery featuring actual breast reconstruction patients. Then, schedule a visit with one of our providers to explore your preventative options. Or, you can call our practice at (310) 278-8590 to schedule an appointment.

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