Author Archives: Bedford Breast Center

Woman holding a mug and looking off in the distance (model)

Breast Reconstruction Recovery Time: What To Know & How To Prepare

Recovering from breast reconstruction surgery is a journey that requires patience and preparation. While each patient's recovery process varies, understanding the timeline and following postoperative care instructions can significantly affect your experience. Whether you're considering implant-based or SWIM breast reconstruction, here's what you need to know about recovery and how to support your healing process. …

Up close image of a woman's chest wearing a purple lace bra (model)

Understanding Breast Cysts: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

Breast cysts are a common concern for many women, often raising questions and worries when discovered. While these fluid-filled sacs are usually benign, understanding what causes them, how they're diagnosed, and the treatment options available can provide clarity and peace of mind. At Bedford Breast Center, we specialize in comprehensive breast health care, including advanced …

Woman wearing leggings and sports bra on a run near the ocean (model)

Preventative Options: What Age To Have Prophylactic Mastectomy & More FAQs

For women with a strong family history of breast cancer, it’s reassuring to know that you have preventative options such as a prophylactic mastectomy. However, your willingness to undergo a surgical procedure of this magnitude requires careful consideration. To help guide your decision-making, we’re addressing common queries like what age to have a prophylactic mastectomy, …

Woman and her doctor (models) discussing reconstruction after mastectomy.

Understanding Breast Reconstruction After Breast Cancer Surgery (Updated 2024)

The majority of women who have received a breast cancer diagnosis will have surgery as a part of their treatment. But is breast reconstruction surgery a necessary procedure for every patient? Can breast cancer surgery and breast reconstruction be one procedure? This post will help you understand your options. Understanding Breast Cancer Surgery The prospect …
